Want to host your Give Back Night With VIVA?

We want VIVA



We believe in the power of community and are dedicated to supporting our local organizations and schools through our Giveback Night program. Join us in making a difference and strengthening our community! 


Host a Giveback Night at Viva Chicken and receive 15% of sales brought in from your group!


How it works:


Schedule your event – Giveback Nights are hosted Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesdays from 3 PM – 9 PM. Fill out the form to schedule your event. Forms must be submitted 4 weeks prior to requested giveback night. 


Promoting your event – Viva Chicken will create a promotional flyer for your organization to distribute to your family, friends, teachers, and neighbors. You MUST PROMOTE THE EVENT to get the RESULTS you want. The more people promote and participate, the more purchases made. We want to see your organization succeed. 


Order dine-in, to-go, or through our app using a special code at checkout. Your organization earns 15% of the sales generated by your group during the event hours. Guests may present a digital flyer or mention of the giveback night. 


We encourage you to set up a table at the event, and have students greet guests / open doors. However, solicitation of other diners in and around the restaurant including handing out flyers, is strictly prohibited.


Catering orders will not be counted toward the organizations sales total. Donations will be mailed via check, please allow 4-6 weeks for check to be processed.


What VIVA does for you – Share on our social if you tag us on instagram @ vivachicken we will reshare any post from your organization ahead of your schedule event. In addition to creating a digital flyer for you, we will turn it into a window cling to be displayed at our restaurant. 


Viva Chicken has the right to approve or deny any event.

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